2013 1st Place Dairy Herd at WRDGB Show and Spokane Interstate Fair.

News & Updates
DRASTIC Herd Reduction Sale! I have gone back to school and my husband was injured at work and things are busy and stressful and I just don't have the time I once did. See our For Sale Page. If prices seem low, they are priced to sell quickly, this does not reflect quality, I am down to my keepers, but more have to go!
2018 Kidding Schedule has been posted! :)
SG 5 Fold Farm HB Miss. Mud Pie earned her Superior Genetics Award! Her daughter Jitterbug is For Sale :)
Our whole herd tested negative for CAE again as of 05/09/2017 through Biotracking. And we have always obtained stock from disease free herds.
Zenon going RGCH at the WRDGB Show 08/24/2014 under judge Amy Akramoff, she also went GCH at the NEWDGA Show 06/14/2014 under heavy competition (around 69 nigerians were shown!)