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2017 New Arrivals, Does have pink frames, Bucks have blue frames :)
5 Fold Farm CC Tonka Truck 86 VVV x Stage Dragon Shadow Digitalis 84 VVV+
Nigerian Dwarf Born on 02/28/2017

J5 Wether "Jared"
Dark Buckskin w/ Roan , Blaze & Minimal White, SOLD! Thank you, Shelly!
J6 Wether "Jensen"
Dark Buckskin w/ Random White, SOLD! Thank you, Shelly.
Alethia DJ Eye of Jupiter 88 VEE x SG Stage Dragon SD Zowie 2*M 91 EEEV (2 GCH legs)
Nigerian Dwarf Born on 03/03/2017

J7 Stage Dragon EJ Jipsee
Light Buckskin, Frosted Nose & Ears, Minimal White, AVAILABLE $300
J8 Wether "Jedi"
Dark Buckskin w/ Minimal White, SOLD!

J9 Stage Dragon EJ Jadis
Gold, Frosted Ears & Nose, Minimal White, RETAINED

*B Castle Rock Sundown 87 VVE x LAMS LBP Marley
F1 Mini Alpine Born on 03/04/2017

J10 Stage Dragon SD Jet Stream
Buckskin Blue Eyed & Polled, SOLD! Thank you Taffy!
5 Fold Farm CC Tonka Truck 86 VVV x 5 Fold Farm HB Miss. Mud Pie 84 ++VV
Nigerian Dwarf Born on 03/05/2017

J11 Stage Dragon TT Jackson
Light Buckskin, Frosted Nose & Ears, Minimal White, RETAINED
J12 Stage Dragon TT Jitterbug
Chocolate Buckskin, Frosted Nose & Ears w/ Random White, SOLD!

*B Castle Rock Sundown 87 VVE x Stage Dragon Celestial Blue 85 VVVV
Nigerian Dwarf Born on 04/02/2017

J13 Lonewolf-Minis SD Jose Cuervo
Chocolate Gold w/ Random White, Polled, RETAINED
J14 Wether "JD"
Dark Buckskin w/ White on Poll, Blue Eyes, SOLD!

Alethia DJ Eye of Jupiter 88 VEE x SG Stage Dragon SA Zenon 1*M 90 VEEE (2 GCH legs)
Nigerian Dwarf Born on 04/28/2017

J16 Stage Dragon EJ Joy Ride
Gold w/ White on Poll, AVAILABLE $300

Alethia DJ Eye of Jupiter 88 VEE x A. M. Lewis Melaine (1 V leg, 1 GCH leg)
Mini LaMancha Born on 07/13/2017

J22 Stage Dragon EJ Jack-O-Lantern
Apricot with Elf ears, AVAILABLE $200
J23 Stage Dragon EJ Java Ice
Cream w/ Elf ears White, AVAILABLE $200
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