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Nigerian Dwarf Bucks

*B Castle Rock Sundown 87 VVE





Sundown at 3 years.

Photos courtesy Erzsebet Parks.

    SS : ++B The Rosasharn TL Sitka Spruce 84 V++
S: +*B Castle Rock Bentley
    SD: SG AGS Lost Valley TB Infinity 1*M 86 ++VV

    DS: *B CRF Castle Rock Cobalt
D: GCH CRF Castle Rock Sun Saphire 2*M 88 VVEV
    DD: AGS TX Twin Creeks WDF Sunsprite 1*M 87 VVVV


Date of Birth: 02/04/2012

Color: Dark Buckskin, Polled w/ Blue Eyes
Height: 23"


Show Record: Not Shown


Linear Appraisal: 2016: 87 VEE, 2015: 85 +VV



Alethia DJ Eye of Jupiter 88 VEE

Jupiter at 2 years old (Linear Appraisal 2015)





Photo Courtesy Toaheedliinii Farm.

    SS : ++*B Rosasharn's UMT Hamachi 85 VVV
S: ++*B GCH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter 91 EEE
    SD: SGCH Rosasharn's TL Zenith 3*M 90 EEVE

    DS: +*B SG Rosasharn BB Cento 83 +++ (2013), 86 V+E (2011)
D: CH Alethia CTO Eye of the Sky 90 VEEE
    DD: GCH Algedi Farm RK Stella Luna 4*M 90 VEVE


Date of Birth: 03/23/2013

Color: Light Gold; White Markings
Height: 23 1/2""


Show Record: Not Shown


Linear Appraisal: 2016: 88 VEE, 2015: 88 VEV


Co-Owned with Carmel Springs Farm.



       5 Fold Farm CC Tonka Truck 86 VVV $300

Tonka at two years old.



Tonka at 3.5 months

Tonka at 3.5 months

Tonka at 3.5 months

Tonka at 3.5 months

Tonka as a young kid

Tonka as a young kid

    SS : *B *S TX Twincreeks SEM Indian Summer
S: Proctor Hill Farm Cajun Chief 84 +V+
    SD: Dragonfly RY Mardi Gras 88 VEEV

    DS: +*B *S SG Dill's BF Genuine Article 85 VVV Elite
D: Dill's GA Little Lamb 84 +VVV
    DD: Dill's XM Merry-Go-Round 3*M 87 +EVV


Date of Birth: 04/11/2014

Color: Light Buckskin w/ White
Height: 19 1/2"


Show Record: Not Shown


Linear Appraisal: 2016: 86 VVV



 *B Mighty Pine J Prankster 83 ++V $200

Prankster as a yearling.


Photo courtesy Melissa Sargent

Photo courtesy Melissa Sargent

    SS : +*B NC PromisedLand MS River Dance
S: *B Dill's RD Jester
    SD: Dill's D Kitten Kabootle 3*M 90 VEEE

    DS: Poppy Patch HB Don Juan 

D: Nomad Der What They Saying 1*M 84 ++V+ Elite 2015
    DD: Almar Acres AC Brandi Elite 2016


Date of Birth: 06/19/2015

Color: Buckskin w/ Minimal White
Height: 17"


Show Record: Not Shown


Linear Appraisal: 2016: 83 ++V




Stage Dragon TT Harry Potter

Potter at 4.5 months old.

Potter at 2 months old.

Potter at 11 days old.

    SS : Proctor Hill Farm Cajun Chief 84 +V+
S: 5 Fold Farm CC Tonka Truck 86 VVV
    SD: Dill's GA Little Lamb 84 +VVV

    DS: Ballardcreek GZ Moon Shadow 83 ++V

D: Stage Dragon MSZE B IzaBell 84 ++EV
    DD: SG Stage Dragon SA Zenon 1*M 90VEEE


Date of Birth: 04/04/2016

Color: Black w/ Minimal White & Roan, Frosted Nose & Ears
Height: 16" (at 4 months old)


Show Record: Not Shown


Linear Appraisal: 2016: ++V + Overall (Youngstock)




Mistwood LJJ Dirty Dancing

Swayze as a yearling.

Swayze at 2 months old.

Swayze at 1 week old.

    SS : *B Sugar Moon RB Latin Lover
S: Sweet Syringa's Latin Java Joe 85 VV+
    SD: Northern Fork Kava Java

    DS: +B SG Ballardcreek Spumonte

D: SG Stage Dragon SD Zillow 2*M 90 VEEE
    DD: Lil Critters Farm Dawn 1*M (1 GCH leg)


Date of Birth: 04/19/2016

Color: Cou Blanc


Show Record: Not Shown


Linear Appraisal: Not Appraised-too young




   Stage Dragon Escape My Shadow $300

Eascape at 2.5 years old.

Escape as a yearling.

    SS : Calico Creek Noisome Creature
S: Carmel Springs NC Joyful Noise
    SD: Carmel Springs MAC Easter Lily

    DS: Ballardcreek GZ Moon Shadow 83 ++V

D: Stage Dragon MSZO Bubblez 3*M 82 ++++ (1st freshener)
    DD: SG Stage Dragon SD Zowie 2*M 91 EEEV (2 GCH legs)


Date of Birth: 12/31/2014

Color: Chocolate Buckskin w/ Random White & Blue Eyes


Show Record: Not Shown


Linear Appraisal: Not Appraised




Lonewolf-Minis SD Jose Cuervo

Cuervo at 2 months old.

Cuervo at 6 weeks old.

    SS : +*B Castle Rock Bentley
S: *B Castle Rock Sundown 87 VVE
    SD: GCH CRF Castle Rock Sun Saphire 2*M 88 VVEV

    DS: Tulley Acres Caramel Macchiato

D: Stage Dragon Celestial Blue 85 VVVV
    DD: SG Lil Critters Farm Amber 84 +VV+


Date of Birth: 04/02/2017

Color: Chocolate Gold w/ Random White; Polled


Show Record: Not Shown


Linear Appraisal: Not Appraised




Stage Dragon EJ Joy Ride

Rider at 3 months.

Rider at 1 week old.

    SS : ++*B GCH Algedi Farm Drops of Jupiter 91 EEE
S: Alethia DJ Eye of Jupiter 88 VEE
    SD: CH Alethia CTO Eye of the Sky 90 VEEE

    DS: +B SG Ballardcreek Spumonte

D: SG Stage Dragon SA Zenon 1*M 90 VEEE (2 GCH legs)
    DD: SG Lil Critters Farm Amber 84 +VV+


Date of Birth: 04/28/2017

Color: Gold w/ White on Poll


Show Record: Not Shown


Linear Appraisal: Not Appraised




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